Terms and conditions.
'Free by tapping' is now for free for all people in the whole wold.
Using 'Free by tapping' is at one's own risk.
‘Free by tapping’ has been used now for more than 14 years - and has shown no adverse effects. If you experience, what you will/would consider a worsening of your condition somehow, it is probably a message from your body, that it wants you to work more intensively (with ‘Free by tapping’) in order to have a positive change of aspects, which still strain your body. Your body/'I' is able to tell you, how exactly it is for you (just ask/have answers form your body/'I').
You can choose to work together with a doctor, if you want to measure your results, the way doctors do. You can also measure your results by asking your body/'I' (you can have answers with as many decimals as you like)
A disease seems in some cases to be so advanced, that it is not possible to right. Even though, ‘Free by tapping’ works very fast, it only sets free your body to do, what it actually seems to be capable of – curing itself – when it is no longer strained. The body needs some time for that – often not very long – but it takes time.
Working with ‘Free by tapping’ all the time seems to develop our ability to take responsibility for ourselves. However, you may at some point, where you still not have developed full responsibility, act in accordance with your previous way/ways of seeing things – and look for someone to blame. You may have learned previously, that others are to blame for what is happening in your life.
In order to make it possible to try working with ‘Free by tapping’, before beginning use of the 'full edition', it is possible to try a ‘field’.
You are invited to be member of the secret (here secret just means, that others cannot see, that you are a member) ‘Free by tapping’ group at Facebook – where you can communicate with other users of ‘Free by tapping’ and the developer Niels Gyldenkærne.
‘Free by tapping’ can/will help you solving the problems, you face, for the rest of your life – and if you have a smart phone, you can use 'Free by tapping' whenever you like or feel a need.
‘Free by tapping’ will be further developed continually.